Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A VERY Long Update Continued

There are many reasons to want a relationship, for me, I think ti comes down to 2 main reasons: Love/affection/caring towards each other and sex. Now I know that sounds hypocritical coming form someone who just said they slept around this summer, but it's not the same thing. the thing about relationship sex is it means something more than just physical contact. i should hope that in a relationship, both parties try and please the other person as much as possible. When you one-night-stand it, it doesn't feel the same....more often than not it becomes about the guy and his needs. I miss attention from guys int eh right way, in a meaningful way. Sex in a relationship is not about just one person, at least it shouldn't be. With all the sex I had this summer, it was rare to have it in a bed (and not a park or on a couch because people still live at home - ie sneaking around) and to have a partner who wasn't all about them getting off. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy pleasing my guys, but to have someone be willing to do whatever it takes to make me happy also. Relationship sex is VERY different and I miss it:(.

Now, as for the emotional aspect of a relationship..well I think it's obvious why that would be appealing to me. No one wants to be alone, especially me. I have a lot of love to give and I put my heart and soul into every relationship. I given them everything, maybe even too much sometimes, but I like caring for someone and feeling needed. I like the feeling and the high I get from having someone else love me back and want to be with me. I only hope that I can meet someone who loves and hard and as deep as I do and that any emotions I put forth towards the other person are reciprocated..We'll see what happens....

What else is there to say? A few jot-notes should do it...

- I'm graduating from Carleton with a BA in Mass comm. Convocation is in Nov. I am currently enrolled and partaking in Journalism at Algonquin College and loving it!!! Except for Local Government, but that's another

- I'm in a wedding party. I'm the Maid of Honour. To be honest, I'm very honoured to have been asked and I graciously accepted, but lately it's been ridiculously stressful. I realize that it's not MY wedding, but i feel that as the MOH, my voice should head over the other bride's maids and lately, it hasn't been, not necessarily by the bride, but rather by some of the other bride's maids... it'll all be over soon. I'm very happy for my friend who is getting married thought:)

- My goals for this semester include doing well in school, meeting new people, meeting more guys, and going to more concerts/shows/events, especially in town if possible.

I think that basically covers it!:P this is a long enough post.. There is more to say, I can for sure elaborate on many points, but now, this is strictly an update. i promise to try and be more attentive to my blog, stay updated on new bands and post as often as possible.

Thanks for reading and ttys :)

A VERY Long Update

Wow...So it's been a LONG time since I last blogged. I apologize greatly for that fact. A lot has been going on lately, in many aspects of my life. personally I feel that I have neglected my blog for far too long because of that, and that is not right. Despite what may be happening in my life, it is important to update my blog and keep any readers informed on dating, love, sex, music, and anything else that I have written about in the past and wish to write about in the future. I also fell that I have neglected my duty to bring forward new and exciting bands to your attention, once again, I convey my apologies. I hope you all understand and haven't left me for good:P

With all that in mind, at this junction, it is not time to begin my new blog post. There is a lot to tell, so I won't go into much detail and keep it as short as possible..Possibly expand on some things later, perhaps. Where to begin? Well I seem to have left of in May, therefore the only logical start point is June, I suppose.

June was relatively unadventurous ( there were a few guys, but more on that subject later), except for the last few days of June in which I took a plane to London, England and began my Contiki journey. Contiki, for those of you who don't know, is an organization for 18-35 years-old that runs organized group trips to various places all over the world. My trip, specifically,was around the UK (England, Scotland, and Wales) and Southern Ireland. It was amazing!!! I had such a great time and met a whole bunch of new, great, amazing people! i highly recommend Contiki to anyone who has the time and the money to go on one of these trips if possible. i promise you won't regret it!

Most of July was spent on the trip, so by the time I got back, i had to jump right back into work:(. I barely had 2 days off in about jet-lag!!! Other than work, July was filled with guys. This summer I was single and took full advantage of it! i don't regret anything and it was worth the experience. i won't tell you how many guys I slept with since June, but let's just say it was a fair bit in such a short time. The thing is though, I had lots of sex, but a lot of it was with the guys over and over again, A few new ones here and there, but I've slept with almost all these guys at least twice, if not more. I don't feel so bad about thinking about it in that way. Keeping that in mind, I'm over it. I'm over the whole one-night-stand/FWB deals. I had my summer of fun and I'm ready for more. I want more. I want a relationship.

To be continued...