Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Survive Valentine's Day

Everyday should be a special day to spend with someone that you love. This is true for most people, yet we have this one day specifically designated to love called Valentine's Day. Listed Herein are some tips to help you make it through this season of love.

For most people, Valentine's day is a reason to acknowledge one's love for another special someone in their lives. For others, Valentine's Day is a representation of corporate influence over the populous to buy cards, candy and flowers for others. Perhaps it is a combination thereof. in either case, there are a few things to keep in mind on this special day.

For starters, part of the problem with Valentine's Day is that if you don't have someone special in your life, there is a certain stignma that comes with being alone. It's unfortunate, but true. In these circumstances it usually helps to have friends in the same situation, therefore you don't feel so alone.

If there is no on who you can share this day with in the same situation, the best alternative is to see if you can organize a group thing. Maybe not a whole day event if your friends have other people to spend time with also, but perhaps instead a special lunch, dinner, or even a shorter coffee date so that you don't spend the whole day alone sulking. These are usually good ways to not feed too lonely and isolated on Valentine's day.

On the other hand, some people fee a significant amount of pressure to make plans and make a big deal out of that day itself. They feel that because it is a day designated for love, they not only have to have a date, no matter who it is, but also to have elaborate plans. if you fall into this category, there is nothing wrong with that either. Just try to remember that everyday should be special and love should be shared all year round so don't concentrate all your loving for someone to this one day. Spread the wealth:)

If you do choose to make plans, try to take into account your partner's feelings. For example, if they are not normally someone who likes to go out for dinner, maybe plan to stay in a cook them a special romantic dinner at home, spending a bit more time lingering at the table over a bottle of wine than you normally would. Also, try to flexible in you making of plans. Things come up and could change the events of the evening. It isn't always good to be to dead-set on sticking to the plans that have been previously made. Sometimes the best Valentine's Days that occur are the ones that are the most spontaneous anyways!

If you are one of those people who really feel more comfortable making set plans and sticking to them, such as dinner reservations, it is important to remember that Valentine's Day is one of the busiest days of the year for restaurants so try to make a reservation well ahead of time otherwise you might be out of luck. this is really good advice for those of you who really want to go out and maybe get away from the kids or the roommates..plan ahead!

Aren't one for making big plans well ahead of time? Try being different than all the rest and maybe make plants to make dinner at home that doesn't require a lot of planning or stay in and rent some movies instead of going out like most people plan to do.

At the end of the day, the most important tip to adhere to is to listen to your heart and do what feels right for you and your partner. After all, it is Valnetine's Day and your heart is the most important part of it.

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