Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jobs..where are they all hiding?

So I've been done school for a while now, at least for the summer, and I've been looking for a part-time summer job that hopefully, school schedule permitting, I can continue with in the fall. I would love to find something in my field that would give me experience but honestly, I'm looking for almost any kind of job that pays because money is something that I could use, especially if I plan on saving some this time around. In my search I have come to one big conclusion: Finding a job is HARD!

If you are not outside walking around handing out resumes everyday, you are online looking up postings. When you are not online looking up postings and putting your resume out there via the internet, you are making phone calls. If you are not making phone calls you are out handing out resumes..Where in that cycle do you get the job interview? The dream job? The job that pays? The life that you want?...Finding a job is hard:(

It's not enough these days to have the talent, the drive, the ambition to succeed, you also need to have the will to learn, to adapt to new situations and above and beyond everything else you have to have support in the adventure you are about to embark upon because in the end, until you find that job that you have been trying so hard to find, you are going to need a place to live and food to eat. Luckily, I have a lot of support financially from my family and I'm not out living on my own trying to make it with no income. I'm thankful for that for sure, but because of the support they give they can be very...intrusive isn't really the right word, nor is annoying or over-bearding, but think of a word that kind of blends all three together and you know what I'm talking about.

I know that my family only wants the best for me and I want the best for myself as well. I WANT to find a job. I've been looking and calling and walking in and handing out resumes left, right, and center but nothing has come to fruition as of yet. I can only do so much and it seem that sometimes that is not enough for them.

To be totally honest I'm not entirely upset that I am not working right now because it gives me the freedom to do the things I want to do when I want to do them..except for the lack of money of course..which is where the job comes into play. I have worked every summer since I was 16, minus 1 year, and that summer I was in class doing school so no one said anything. I think the fact that this time around I am not taking classes over the summer people are making a bigger deal out of it then it has to be. It's not like I'm done school forever and just sitting on my ass everyday. I still have another year left in my program and when that is done I will hopefully find a job in my field right out of the gate and if not I will work any job to earn money until I do. It's not for my lack of drive or effort that I haven't found a job yet, despite what my mother may think. I would normally blame my brother but even he's trying to help me find a job so I don't think that would be fair:P

In the end I think I'll find a job, even if it takes me all summer to do it, and I'll be able to earn some money and try to start saving up some because I definitely HAVE to do that. But for right now I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and try as hard as I can until someone gives me a break. I hope I get a job that I like and work with people that I really get along with and that allows me to be creative and have fun. Until that day comes you'll find me running around making plans with friends and trying to have a life outside of my bedroom:)

SLR Girl out!

PS..thanks mom and grandma and papa for all the financial support that the luxury of still being able to live at home while in school and not have to pay for room and board. I love you all very much and even though you all get on my nerves I know you have the best of intentions and my best interests at heart. THANKS!

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