I'm not saying that just because summer has ended or that you or your significant other are moving away things have to end. Actually, I think the exact opposite. I think that if you are with the right person then you can make anything last with a little bit of effort and a lot of understanding and patience but if it's not meant to work out then there really is no point in trying. Part ways on good terms and hopefully someday in the future you can be friends. It take times to get there but it is possible. I think with every relationship you learn something new that you can bring to your next one or something new about yourself that will last a lifetime if you are lucky. I don't necessarily think a breakup is the end. It could be a new beginning, like it was for me.
I've figured out that as much as I always want to have someone else in in my life to depend on and be there for me 100% and vice versa, it's not what defines me. I don't need a boyfriend to come into and find myself. Since my late July/early August breakup, I've been learning to accept what has happened and move forward. I'm finding out things about friends and our relationship that I didn't know before. I think my friendships are stronger now than ever, especially my newest friendship with classmates. The end of August brought on a new and final school year for me and with that a reunion with my classmates whom I have missed over the summer. It's nice to see everyone again and reconnect. It truly is a new beginning for me and I'm looking forward to what my future holds when this school year is over.
As for moving forward, a friend of mine recently broke up with her longterm boyfriend of 4 years, much harder than my relationship of 7 months no doubt, but still, we can relate. I gave her this advice in the form of an analogy to help her find a good place and to still be able to believe in love again like I have:
"Right now you are at a crossroads. You are currently headed on the straight and narrow path that leads to the edge of the cliff and you're on the edge about to jump. You need to take a step back, realize what you are about to do, and find your way through he forest back up to the other winding path that eventually leads up to the top of the mountain. Once you find that road you can find the way to the top and the point of which you feel a sense of accomplishment and joy...but you can only do this if you take that initial step back and stop yourself from nosediving off the edge. The top pf the mountain will be there waiting for you when you are ready to reach it and claim it with your flag"
Not bad words of advice if i do say so myself:P
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